Me, paintings, Austin Texas, and anything else I find interesting.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

three's company day 20

three's company day 20
Originally uploaded by ruelloehr.
Back to this.

Here's a list of things i like:

1) Wrestling with fred
2) Coming home from work, and singing while i paint
3) Getting paint on my good clothes
4) Sleeping with 1 leg out of the covers
5) Tearing stuff up
6) Watching the people's court on dvr
7) Hitting the snooze button 8 times
8) Eating sushi on sundays

Here's a list of things I don't like
1) When fred bites me
2) When fred humps covers and looks at me while he is doing it
3) Broken air conditioners
4) Broken washers
5) Cleaning out the refrigerator
6) Uncreative days
7) People who leave dishes in the sink.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Picture 171

Picture 171
Originally uploaded by ruelloehr.
It's the biggest hail I have ever seen.

sketchdump 203

sketchdump 203
Originally uploaded by ruelloehr.
Life drawing 4/23 # 2

sketchdump 202

sketchdump 202
Originally uploaded by ruelloehr.
Life drawing 4/23 #1.


Picture 170
Originally uploaded by ruelloehr.
I now have hail damage. I need Xzibit to come pimp my ride.


Found Item!

I found this paper outside of border's this morning. At first I was like, "Shit, it's just a bunch of scribbles..." Then I looked closer, it's actually a strategic plan for some sort of an invasion I assume.

It also seems that my brother plays some sort of role in this.

Click on the pic to make it big. It's worth it.


Originally uploaded by ruelloehr.
Found Item!

I found this paper outside of border's this morning. At first I was like, "Shit, it's just a bunch of scribbles..." Then I looked closer, it's actually a strategic plan for some sort of an invasion I assume.

It also seems that my brother plays some sort of role in this.

Click on the pic to make it big. It's worth it.


Originally uploaded by ruelloehr.
Found Item!

I found this paper outside of border's this morning. At first I was like, "Shit, it's just a bunch of scribbles..." Then I looked closer, it's actually a strategic plan for some sort of an invasion I assume.

It also seems that my brother plays some sort of role in this.

Click on the pic to make it big. It's worth it.

Monday, April 17, 2006

three's company day 19

three's company day 19
Originally uploaded by ruelloehr.
I've been struggling, trying to get the stupid faces correct. It has been painful to say the least. Today I decided to work on right boy instead, you know, mix up my game a little.

25 minutes later I stepped back. A face had suddenly began to appear. This is the beautiful thing about painting. Sometimes things just work. It's completely random and you never know when it will click but if you try long enough, it happens.


Ok, real life IM. I'm doing this from memory but I thought it was a grand conversation snippet.

P: My flight leaves in an hour and I haven't done laundry yet.

Me: Yikes.

P: I am packing dirty clothes.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Picture 163

Picture 163
Originally uploaded by ruelloehr.
Impulse buy. A bass guitar. I couldn't resist.

Overheard in my house

Me: E, why is there a sledgehamer in the kitchen?

E: I had to crush some ice.

Me: You used a sledgehammer?

E: How else am I gonna crush it?

Me: How do normal people do it?

E: I don't know. I guess their refrigirator does it for them. We've got the trailer park model so I had to improvise.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

three's company day 17

three's company day 17
Originally uploaded by ruelloehr.
Then, to complete my perfect day, I FINALLY got the basic features down for left boys face. Yes, his lips are too big, but I can fix that. It's all in the details, baby.

The details.

I've got two projects in the queue for after this one (this one still should be another month or so).

I met this sculptor at life drawing a few weeks ago. He does a lot of casting work and has a studio. I told him I was interested in trying out some casting (basic stuff) and he said he would help me out.


I want to cast 4 hands (my hands) in various poses

1) a fist black panther style
2) a peace sign
3) the bird
4) and a thumbs up


Originally uploaded by ruelloehr.
What's in your dining room? A table and chairs? Blah. How boring. I'm slowly running out of room in my own personal heaven. P bought a drum kit and we sat it up in the corner. Then we rocked out (not with our cocks out). It was a COMPLETE BLAST. I am anxious to do it again and again. We were up and going in minutes with booty shaking grooves.

I thought that this was truly a genius idea of epic proportions. Evan and Fred, however, judging by the looks on their faces, did not share in my enthusiasm.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

day 16

day 16
Originally uploaded by ruelloehr.
Yes! Now I am rolling. I have a 3 day weekend coming up so plenty of time to work more on this.

I miss two things about living in Vermont

1) Labatt's beer
2) The Burlington Art Hop

There a ton of little art studio's in Burlington. One night every so often they all open up for the art hop. Essentially, you can walk around and visit them all. It's pretty cool.

One house stands out in particular. As I went up to it, there were 4 people standing outside shooting vodka. They were all were coverall's, sort of like the beastie boys. One of the guys said, "we just made some tater tots, you want some?". He pointed over to a tray with burnt tater tots.

I declined.

The guy was a photographer and he has some pretty cool pictures. Keep in mind, this was in his house, he had put all the furniture in the front yard for his gallery transformation.

As I walked back out one of them said did you see the pictures in the closet?

Apparently, the closet had no back to it, you could walk in (through his clothes) and there was a little mini hallway behind it. Myself and the others I were with crammed into the hidden room. Adorning the walls were hundreds of close up shots people peeing.

It was possibly the most bizarre thing I have ever seen.

Monday, April 10, 2006

three's company day 15

three's company day 15
Originally uploaded by ruelloehr.
It's funny the things you become accustomed too. I opened the door to the igloo. Immediately my epidermis sent a trouble signal. This isn't 68, it's more like 74. I ran to outside to the air unit and discovered a block of ice. RATS!

I flung open the door, "We have a problem! The ac is froze."

"Should we call stupid?," I rhetorically asked.

"I'll get the tool kit," E replied. 28 minutes later the central air unit is disassembled and lying in the hall.

"Um....I don't see anything wrong."

"Did you check the filter?"

"Oh shit."

"We did it again."

Saturday, April 08, 2006

sketchdump 200

sketchdump 200
Originally uploaded by ruelloehr.

three's company day 14

three's company day 14
Originally uploaded by ruelloehr.
Yes! My face skills have returned. Well, only for the one in the middle, and it took 4 tries. But goddamn, it came out well.

A friend bought a truck in San Marcos, so I woke up early with a 3 screwdriver thud compressing my brain. I gave him a lift down there and then came home and returned to bed until 3 pm. Saturdays own.

I predice vast laziness for the remainder of the day.

Friday, April 07, 2006


Originally uploaded by ruelloehr.
A quick doodle from dinner........Crazy day. Very crazy day. I must blog about it later...

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Overheard at my house

E: I have to go to work at 7 am tomorrow.

R: How come?

E: They always decorate your cube if it is your birthday, even if you tell them you will karate kill them.
I'm gonna get there early. I have to protect my habitat.

R: I didn't get you a present.

E: Dick.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Wisdom from the sage

I met a friend at the poodle this weekend. The poodle is a totally skank dive bar....I loved it. While I was waiting on him to arrive a guy sat down at the bar next me. He was completely hammered, swaying on the stool. He looked over at me and gave me a drunken stare.

"Destroyer is the best album Kiss ever put out.", he slurred out.

How could I argue with that? I love it when strangers surprise with nuggets such as this.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

sketchdump 199

sketchdump 199
Originally uploaded by ruelloehr.
Pastels are fun. Here is one from today.

(It's not me so don't ask).

Saturday, April 01, 2006

three's company day 13

three's company day 13
Originally uploaded by ruelloehr.
Ok, now it's time for the most difficult part. The faces. I think it will take a few days for it to dry enough to do this though. From here on out, should just be details.