Me, paintings, Austin Texas, and anything else I find interesting.

Monday, April 10, 2006

three's company day 15

three's company day 15
Originally uploaded by ruelloehr.
It's funny the things you become accustomed too. I opened the door to the igloo. Immediately my epidermis sent a trouble signal. This isn't 68, it's more like 74. I ran to outside to the air unit and discovered a block of ice. RATS!

I flung open the door, "We have a problem! The ac is froze."

"Should we call stupid?," I rhetorically asked.

"I'll get the tool kit," E replied. 28 minutes later the central air unit is disassembled and lying in the hall.

"Um....I don't see anything wrong."

"Did you check the filter?"

"Oh shit."

"We did it again."


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