Me, paintings, Austin Texas, and anything else I find interesting.

Monday, April 17, 2006

three's company day 19

three's company day 19
Originally uploaded by ruelloehr.
I've been struggling, trying to get the stupid faces correct. It has been painful to say the least. Today I decided to work on right boy instead, you know, mix up my game a little.

25 minutes later I stepped back. A face had suddenly began to appear. This is the beautiful thing about painting. Sometimes things just work. It's completely random and you never know when it will click but if you try long enough, it happens.


Ok, real life IM. I'm doing this from memory but I thought it was a grand conversation snippet.

P: My flight leaves in an hour and I haven't done laundry yet.

Me: Yikes.

P: I am packing dirty clothes.


Blogger rumour said...

I like dirty clothes they make a nice crunchy sound..

8:23 PM


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