Yes! Now I am rolling. I have a 3 day weekend coming up so plenty of time to work more on this.
I miss two things about living in Vermont
1) Labatt's beer
2) The Burlington Art Hop
There a ton of little art studio's in Burlington. One night every so often they all open up for the art hop. Essentially, you can walk around and visit them all. It's pretty cool.
One house stands out in particular. As I went up to it, there were 4 people standing outside shooting vodka. They were all were coverall's, sort of like the beastie boys. One of the guys said, "we just made some tater tots, you want some?". He pointed over to a tray with burnt tater tots.
I declined.
The guy was a photographer and he has some pretty cool pictures. Keep in mind, this was in his house, he had put all the furniture in the front yard for his gallery transformation.
As I walked back out one of them said did you see the pictures in the closet?
Apparently, the closet had no back to it, you could walk in (through his clothes) and there was a little mini hallway behind it. Myself and the others I were with crammed into the hidden room. Adorning the walls were hundreds of close up shots people peeing.
It was possibly the most bizarre thing I have ever seen.