Me, paintings, Austin Texas, and anything else I find interesting.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Last minute goodness.

Last night: The henry rollins show started 10 minutes ago. I've got your ticket.

Today: zombies

Interested in using my extra pass?

Sweet jesus yes.

Man Stuck In Chimney. Pelted With Beer Bottles

Yes. This is the area i grew up in.

People that look like this are around everywhere there.

Monday, September 17, 2007

This is why it is my favorite show.

Sunday, September 16, 2007


Originally uploaded by ruelloehr.
I think evan could grow a full beard.

What a dick.


Originally uploaded by ruelloehr.
Left panel is getting close. The main brain eater is complete. Middle one needs a facial and third one needs new legs. Dead zombie on the ground just needs lines.

2nd panel needs lots of work, mostly withthe security brain eater. I'm loving this one so far.

I need the following things for my house:

1) cow skin rug
2) BONZAI tree.
3) rad chandellier
4) a giant easel

If you know where i can find a good deal on either of these items let me know. I'm back in cheap mode.


Originally uploaded by ruelloehr.
All of our plants died since we aren't so good at keeping things alive (except fred). I bought new ones this morning and planted them.

Evan came home and said, "How long do you think those will live?"

"1 week", I said.

"That about right", was the reply.

I saw the arcade fire last night at acl. Best show I've been to this year, and I got to see damon and steph


Originally uploaded by ruelloehr.
This is our cat. His name is evil cat. HIs leg is all fucked up. I'm pretty sure he was ran over and the skin never grew back. We can't pet him, he just hisses at us. Nevetheless, I respect him. He's a survivor and doesn't take any shit like when i spray him with the garden hose.

I'm pretty sure he'd kill me if given the chance. I feed him anyway.

Sunday, September 09, 2007


Originally uploaded by ruelloehr.
I've started the line work. This might be the raddest painting yet when it is done. I have high hopes.

My belly button is VERY VERY sunburnt. I neglected to apply the suntan lotion to it.

Thursday, September 06, 2007


Originally uploaded by ruelloehr.
Most of the basic blocks are in place. Now I need to go back over them with a final coat.