Me, paintings, Austin Texas, and anything else I find interesting.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

sketchdump 179

sketchdump 179
Originally uploaded by ruelloehr.
It's windy here. I took out the trash earlier, then went back outside to get some shite out of the truck. The trash bin had blown open, and was now randomly spread across the old lady next door's yard. She doesn't like us anyway. Now, she really won't.

A few months ago the ac broke and we had to call in stupid for reinforcements. You would think we would learn to change the goddamn filter, but no. It was frozen again today.

R: "Do we have any clean filters?"
E: "Um. I was 'sposed to go buy some a few months ago."
R: "Did you?"
E: "Um. No. Just hit the dirty one against the wall."
R: "Fuck"

So off I went to home depot, on a Sunday, to get filters. I hate home depot on Sundays. It's filled with men buying shit, and their wives walking behind them bossing them around. It is demeaning to the male gender.


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