Me, paintings, Austin Texas, and anything else I find interesting.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Manly shopping lists.

I stopped at Walgreens to pick up a few supplies today. The Walgreens, conveniently located two blocks from my suburban style ranch home with unmowed grass is used for quick/emergency shopping only. They are all about the impulse purchases there, which, is hard for me to resist.

Anyway. It took only a few minutes to gather my items and I approached the checkout line. Hmm.. 4 deep. No other cashier, I'm forced to wait. DRAT! The medium sized man in front of me placed his items on the counter. I duly inspected his shopping list, trying to size him up. 1 pack of razor blades. 1 box of rubbers.

God damn. That's a manly shopping list.

If he would have had a box of bullets or a bag of 16 penny nails I would have dropped right there and swore allegiance to him.

I placed my items on the counter next his. 1 tube of pore cleansing skin astringent. 1 box of crayola crayons. "This is bad.", I thought to myself.

At this point I'm a little ashamed. I sheepishly looked up and saw that he was examing my shopping list. Bastard!

I grabbed a box of batteries and threw onto the counter. HAHA!

That evens up the playing field a little.

He checked out with the look of a man that was about to have some freshly shaved face sex.

At least my skin will feel clean when I'm coloring tonight.


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8:31 AM


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