Me, paintings, Austin Texas, and anything else I find interesting.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Tales of an instant dum-dum

The 40 min commute is a voyeuristic experience. Traffic is often stalled and I take the time to observer my fellow commuters in their natural habitats. The two most interesting finds this morning where two men. Man #1 was driving a mid 80's Corolla which looked as though it had once been a bumper car, not a straight fender on the thing. He had his morning paper draped across the steering wheel and was doing the "I can read and drive at the same time thing".


Man #2 was perched upon a harley davidson motorcycle. He was wearing penny loafers and spandex shorts. I couldn't figure this one out and immediately lunged for my camera, however the traffic gods were not in my favor and he sped away.


I find myself having cases of instant stupidity. I went to the ATM yesterday to withdrawl some money. When it came time to enter my pin, I had nothing. I cannot remember a single digit. Wierd eh? I read that drug users have chemical changes that take place in their bodies when placed in certain environments (body is prepping for the drug). This is why most overdoses occur in new places. I am hoping the same will happen to me if I go to my home ATM; perhaps my lost pin will come to me.


I am gearing up for another camping trip on the weekend this time with some canoeing. I've suddenly become the outdoors type.



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