Me, paintings, Austin Texas, and anything else I find interesting.

Monday, April 11, 2005

She lost her looks but not her mind.

I like to think of myself as well rounded. You want to discuss Nietzsche or the inherant pitfalls of globalization efforts? Not a problem. You want to trade poop jokes? I can accomodate that too.

That being said, here is a short essay on Aristotle's "The Nicomechian Ethics"

Just kidding. It's a poop story.

Real Live Conversations

(as I write this REO speedwagon's infamous song "I can't fight this feeling any longer" is playing in the background. I wanted to set the ambiance; it is important.)

E: I had to poop at work today, it was 4:45 and I couldn't make it.

R: You don't usually do that?

E: No way. I hold it until I get home. Do you?

R: Only if I eat something bad at lunch. Was anybody in there with you?

E: Some guy came in and peed.

R: Did you give him the silent treatment?

E: I lifted my feet up off the ground. I didn't want him to see my shoes. Nobody at work has the same kind of shoes as I do.

R: That's a great strategy and one I have never employed, I will add it to my repetoire. Do you want some of this yankee pot roast? It's delicious.

E: Poop is neat word. It can be a verb or a noun.

R: Have you ever noticed that most words that can be verbs OR nouns are vulgar?

E: Give me some of that yankee pot roast. Hey, when you pay the bills this week, will you pay 30 bucks less than you are supposed to and then write me a check for 30? I'm broke.

R: No.

E: Your rich, you can afford it.

R: I took a tax hit this year.


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