Me, paintings, Austin Texas, and anything else I find interesting.

Thursday, December 09, 2004


I just finished a pretty cool book. Here is the premise:

Average guy has average life. One night he goes for a walk, a statue on the building above him breaks free, and crashes to the ground, narrowly missing him. He realizes that he has been living his life in completely the wrong fashion and that he cannot force the world to bend to his well. At that moment, he decides to live his life strictly by chance. He hails a cab and heads to the airport and buys a ticket for the next departing flight, leaving behind his wife and family without saying goodbye.

The book then spends a few chapters discussing his "fly by the seat of his pants" approach to life. The ending though, in my opinion was perfect. He meets a girl and settles into a life which is a mirror of his previous life. Irony?


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