Me, paintings, Austin Texas, and anything else I find interesting.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

The chaos theory, and the Tao of the universe.

So last night I was ZENNING it up by working on a painting,
grillin' some chops and watching television. I was a multi tasking mf-er.
As I was doing this, Fred became hyper and was running circles.
Suddenly the doorbell rings. I am wearing my standard nighttime attire of hospital scrubs, and a white vneck and am covered in paint. Three religious zealouts are at my door and wish to save my soul. In the meantime, Fred has become dizzy from running circles and collides with my painting giving him a nice shade of red across his face. I am standing outside the door while some man explains to me that FAITH stands for FAITH ACCEPTANCE INQUIRY TRUTH AND HEAVEN, while my tattooed brother runs shirtless around the house chasing my multi colored dog shrieking "FRED! YOUR NOT ALLOWED TO PAINT". The church group is peering through my window. I told them to disregard what they see, my brother is "Challenged". Finally they left, although GOD punished my attention deficit by burning my chops.

After dinner i walked back to my room and noticed the swamp had grown larger. The swamp is the water puddle that stands in my hallway. Upon investigation i notice the walls are a bit mushy at the bottom. E GADS! We have a serious leakage issue.

Its 8:54 pm.

MacGuyver checks the airconditioner and notices the tubing is deficient. So it is off to home depot for tubes and cutters. CODE RED

As we check out the ringer uppers spies the red smears across my shirt and says, "Sir you are bleeding. "No my good man, it is only paint", I quickly reply as we pay for tubing that looks suspiciously like beer bong hose. "Uh..... what exactly are you guys working on?" he suspiciously asks us.

"Home Repairs."


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