Me, paintings, Austin Texas, and anything else I find interesting.

Monday, August 13, 2007

My brother is an evil genius.

Originally uploaded by ruelloehr.
Evan has unparalleled skill when it comes to innovation. I came home today to the following scene.

Like millions of middle class people around the world, our smoke alarm goes off when we cook. When it happens, I tend to grab the closest guitar amp, reach up, and unplug it.

That is my way of thinking.

Evan, however.....his mind works differently than mine. The smoke alarm goes off. Rather than think, "ah, I must unplug it!" his mind says, I must find a way to keep the smoke from reaching the alarm.

Since a pile of my laundry lies directly beneath it I am surmising that he immediately glanced down and saw a sock, thus making the needed connection.

Unfortunately, that sock was mine and will never again have the calf gripping strength that it once had.


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