Me, paintings, Austin Texas, and anything else I find interesting.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

God created the world in 7 days

And for the past 7 days, i have spent every waking minute of the day surrounded by other people. Today at lunch, the rage gripped me in its violent grasp and I snapped.

"FUCK! That's it! I can't take any more people, I don't operate this way. Stop talking to me!" I started kicking the air and shouting.

"No offense to any of you, but I just really don't like people all that much. I want to go home and sit in my dining room on the floor. I am riding the train back by myself tomorrow, I am putting in my headphones, and not speaking nor making eye contact with anyone."

Everyone started laughing at the point, which just fed the blaze of the rage's flames.

"It's no joke, don't force me to pull a batman and disappear into the shadows. I am giving you all fair warning, speak to me tomorrow and I will slug you in the gut."



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