Me, paintings, Austin Texas, and anything else I find interesting.

Sunday, January 09, 2005


Originally uploaded by ruelloehr.
I'm on a pastel kick it seems. I really like the way this came out, the physical features are in proportion and the back light came out awesome. What a great way to spend a Sunday.

This weekend came off to a rocky start. Friday night was sort of bunk. I woke up Saturday with high hopes of being productive. Instead, Fred decided to eat rat poison. We tried to make him throw up super model style (sticking fingers in his throat), but he kept biting and it hurt. Instead, I made an emergency trip to the vet.

Vet: "What's wrong with your dog?"
Me: "He ate rat poison. I tried making him puke, but he kept biting my finger, see the bite marks?"
Vet. ".......How much did he eat?"
Me: "A big hunk."

One hour later....

Me: "Did you get Fred to ralph?"
Vet: "Yes. We found some of the poison, some dog food, and what looks like nachos".
Me: "Yeah, he digs nachos"
Vet: "Well, I will bring him out. That dog sure is energetic"

The rest of the weekend was cool though.


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