Me, paintings, Austin Texas, and anything else I find interesting.

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Today Today

I am still working on the painting currently entitled Old Lady and child. I am putting some lines on the fence, and it is kind of a bitch. I tape areas, paint, then let it dry for 2 days before i can do it again. Its slow going.

I found out today at work I have to go back to Germany twice in september. I have tickets for a pixies concert in mid september, (seeing the pixies play is on my life to do list), of course, manager man wants me to skip it. HAHAHAHAA i say. Not a chance, sucker. So now I will be flying back to texas to see the show, then getting back on a plane (20 hour travel day) to go back to work.

You know what?
It's worth it.
Some things you just have to stand your ground on.


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